
Children aged 2-5 watch in average over 32 hours of TV per week, and children 6-11 watch over 28 hours weekly (Nielsen). 


35% increment of News air time over the last 7 years.



Only 10% of news is positive. In general, News and TV promos are not age appropriate.

By age 11 an average child in the U.S. has watched 17,056 hours of TV, equivalent to 1.94 years.

Violent video game use increases aggressive behavior, aggressive cognition, and aggressive affect; and decreases pro-social behavior, empathy, and sensitivity to aggression.

46% of television violence occurs in cartoons.



An average American Youth will witness 200,000 violent acts on television before age 18

Popular cartoons contain 20 to 25 violent acts per hour, six times more than prime time programs.  

Guns, knives, and other weapons are used on TV as means of resolving conflict.

Reports are based on more than 2,000 scientific papers, studies, and reviews demonstrating  the various effects that exposure to media violence can have on children and adolescents. 

Sexual content increased from 56% in 1998 to 70% in 2005.



Youths who viewed the greatest amounts of sexual content were two times more likely to initiate sexual intercourse during the following year than those who viewed the smallest amount.

Only 1% of all sexual related content advocated for abstinence, virginity, and sexual patience.


Gender identity, same sex marriage, and abortion, to name a few. Children who are continuously exposed to conflicting moral messages at a young age lose their capacity to distinguish right from wrong.

In general, media content proposes that it's up to man, and not God, to declare what is good and what is not.

Atheism in Generation Z (post-millennial) is double of the standard population. 75% of Boomers are Protestant or Catholic Christians, while just 59% of 13- to 18-year-olds say they are some kind of Christian. 


 More than 1.5 billion children and young people have been affected by  school closures worldwide. Many of these students are now taking classes  as well as socializing more online.